As many readers are already aware, there is good news to share today, Kate has been released from the hospital.
The Duchess was released this morning, bundled up against the cold weather in a periwinkle scarf and black/navy checked coat, she was carrying a beautiful bouquet of bright yellow flowers. More from the Daily Mail:
A St James’s Palace spokesman said: ‘The Duchess of Cambridge has been discharged from the King Edward VII Hospital and will now head to Kensington Palace for a period of rest.
‘Their Royal Highnesses would like to thank the staff at the hospital for the care and treatment the Duchess has received.’

She will need people to look after her, literally bring food to her and quickly, if she wants a piece of toast or an apple it needs to come straight away before a bout of nausea sets in.
The emotional side is going to be really tough on her. It’s just so unrelenting, you wake up thinking you’ve got a whole day to get through and this lasts for months.
Kate was also wearing what we think are her Charge It boots by Russell and Bromley.
We don’t know the maker of Kate’s periwinkle blue scarf, should we find out who it is we’ll update the post.
One other note, The Telegraph had a column yesterday I think many readers will find interesting: “Back off, people – the Duchess of Cambridge is not a Brood Mare“. As one might deduce from the title, the piece examines the baby frenzy and fallout from same, especially the circumstances that arose requiring Kate’s pregnancy be made public:
Of course I share the excitement at the prospect of a royal baby, but every single mother I have spoken to this week has said that her main reaction has been one of anxiety for Kate. No normal woman wants her pregnancy discussed before the 12-week scan.
So back off, people. The unborn child, already in the international spotlight before its eyes have been formed, may be third in line to the throne, but first and foremost it is the darling baby of Mr and Mrs Wales. We would do well to remember that, and wish Diana/Dorothy/Philip/Michael/Elizabeth/Squeak and his/her parents all the luck in the world.
Whatever it takes to keep both mother and child safe and healthy is ultimately the only thing that matters, I know readers agree with that sentiment.
That brings us to a reminder that Kate will not be at the next several engagements that were scheduled, Prince William is attending those alone.
- HER (Hyperemesis Education and Research) has a wealth of information and links about Kate’s illness
- Pregnancy Sickness Support, a UK foundation helping those with nausea and vomiting, as well as HG
Monday 10th of December 2012
I am so glad that Kate is feelling better! I sufffered from morning sickness from the 6th week of my pregnancy and got admitted to hospital with hyperemsis gravidarum when I was 11 weeks pregnant. I had never felt so sick in my life! All my sympathy with Kate! I know excacly how she felt and felt so sorry for her!!! Congratulations to both of them! I was super-thrilled when I recieved the great news!
Sunday 9th of December 2012
I think she looks great but if you look closely she has a lot of foundation on... Suggesting she is really pale underneath. She looks a bit fragile to me in contrast to her day at St Andrews on Friday.
Maybe the scarf is 'Febroni' - Pippa has a hat from them and the do make scarves/pashminas.
Delighted for both of them and starting a family - As much as I would love to see her maternity wear I'd prefer the press left her alone.
Saturday 8th of December 2012
Kate is doing a marvellous job in every way. She is setting a new trend on dress standards. It's a svelte and very elegant style and one which is rediscovering many of the elegant fabrics and styles from the past, but it's blended with her own pinache. Gorgeous, decent and refreshing. Is the blue scarf she's wearing a TieRack Frangi item? I have one and the colour and feel of the 100% wool is exquisite. Matches Kate's coat so beautifully. Kate, get well very soon. That's far more important. You are a gem!
Saturday 8th of December 2012
I just want to thank you for treating her illness as seriously as it is. Most of the articles I've read have made it sound like she just has morning sickness (which still sucks) and people often comment about how privileged she is for getting to go to the hospital just for that. Hyperemesis Gravidarum is very life threatening and killed many women before IVs and modern medicine. Charlotte Bronte may have died from it. Thank you for not making light of such a terrible thing.
Beth Ann
Friday 7th of December 2012
I really love Kate's style and think she has helped create a culture of women dressing better. Now, I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion but her legs look literally like skin and bones. Yes, she has been sick but it takes longer than a few weeks to be that skinny. If she were anyone other than the Duchess of Cambridge, say a young actress, I think people would be concerned that she was anorexic. If she was not healthy prior to her pregnancy, that can certainly lead to complications during pregnancy. If she is unhealthily skinny, there are many reasons why that would be understandable with all the media attention and pressure she has on her. Even Princess Diana suffered with an eating disorder. However, my fear is that women, both young and old, will look at her and see all the positive attention Kate receives for her appearance and just perpetuate eating disorders in an attempt to emulate her body. I think we can both appreciate her style and be mindful of her weight, or lack thereof.
Sorry, this has just been a concern of mine for awhile. I know there may be contrary views but I feel strongly about this and it was worth the possible backlash to say it.
Saturday 8th of December 2012
We generally don't discuss weight here. Moreover, I have to point out that she was looking quite healthy before this bout with HG and her hospitalization, she had clearly put on some weight. That's what led some people to guess that she was pregnant.
Saturday 8th of December 2012
I can say that your comment bothers me in general, not because of how I feel or don't feel about Kate. I am a really skinny person (skinner than Kate, and I'm almost her height) and always have been - I've always eaten lots (people are often shocked at my appetite), taken care of myself, never had an eating disorder or anything close, and been very active. It's just my body type. If I want to gain weight, it's extremely difficult for me (and I have tried) - at least as difficult as it would be for many other people to lose weight.
Unfortunately, many people feel very comfortable to comment on my size, "You're SO skinny" and "Do you eat?" and not usually in a complimentary way. Many people also make comments like yours about other women in front of me, causing me to often wonder whether they're trying passive-aggressively to tell me that I'm too skinny. It happens so often that it does sometimes cause me to be self-conscious about my size - even though I'm skinny! Yet, our social norms could never allow me to go up to a person who is overweight and just say, in a surprised voice, "You're SO fat! Do you eat too much?" I think we would all agree that people are fat for many reasons, and often some of those reasons are not actually within their control. It would be a gross oversimplification to assume that someone eats too much just because they are overweight - eating could be part or all of their problem, or it could not be their problem at all.
I would ask you to think about why you feel so comfortable to comment out loud on the size of a woman who is thin, and to come to conclusions about why she is thin. Would you do the same if she was fat? Would you like it if people commented on your size (whatever that size is - even if you are "average"), coming up to you to say, "Oh, your size is so average! You're not fat or skinny!" Probably not, because the problem is the same: people are still judging each other on how they look. Women have to stop doing that to each other. I would certainly encourage you to pry all you want into the life of someone you actually know, if you really do have reason to think that person might have an eating disorder - you could save his/her life. But I would ask that you think about why you comment on the size of someone's body, and whether it's fair to automatically link that to their eating habits, before you do it.