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2 New Engagements for Kate, Favorite Tour Shoes Poll

We begin today with news of two engagements added to Kate’s Calendar:

  • Monday, May 16: Kate, William & Harry will be at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park for the official launch of Heads Together, the trio’s recently announced initiative aimed at destigmatizing mental health issues. They will meet with those benefiting from services provided by the charities that are part of the Heads Together partnership, as well as ambassadors for the charities, and sponsors supporting the campaign.
  • Friday, May 20: Kate will be in Portsmouth again in her role as patron of the 1851 Trust. She will launch two projects aimed at getting a more diverse mix of young people into sailing. Kate will introduce partnerships with the UKSA and the Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation. This year the Trust will partner with the Foundation to offer free sailing lessons to young people in Portsmouth and the surrounding areas. The Duchess will also meet with students in a local STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Maths education) program; they are using STEM concepts in relationship to the America’s Cup challenge. (More info about this can be found here.) 


Next, our poll for footwear seen on the tour. We have divided this into two groups so the older pieces are in their own category; it didn’t make sense to have an oft-worn style like the Sebago Bala and the new Prada Nero Sandals in the same poll.

Our review of what shoes Kate wore on the tour begins with the LK Bennett Fern pumps. We saw them when Kate and William arrived in Mumbai, the Duchess accessorized her Alexander McQueen separates with the style. We saw the heels several times throughout the tour. (This shoe is available in limited sizes on the LK Bennett UK/International site. It is expected to be in stock on the US/CAN site in late May or June; LK Bennett suggests interested US/Canadian shoppers register their interest via their email signup page.)

LK Bennett/Polaris

LK Bennett/Polaris

For a cricket match Kate wore a new pair of wedges with her Anita Dongre Gulrukh Tunic Dressthe style is the Monsoon Fleur in taupe. 



When attending a glamorous Bollywood fundraiser Kate selected the Prada Wavy Strap Nero Sandal in black suede ($750).

Prada / Polaris

Polaris/Neiman Marcus

The Duchess opted for a new pair of heels to go with a new Emilia Wickstead dress, the Rupert Sanderson Calice in ‘pink lady crack‘ ($675).

UK in India/Rupert Sanderson

UK in India/Rupert Sanderson

Kate wore new Temperley London pieces and a new pair of shoes by Gianvito Rossi for a party celebrating the Queen’s birthday, wearing the Sisely Suede Sandals in black ($777), also called the Criss Cross Sandals.

Bergdorf Goodman/Polaris

Bergdorf Goodman/Polaris

When visiting a New Delhi charity Kate was in a pair of flats we’d not previously seen, Russell and Bromley’s Xpresso (£175).

Russell & Bromley/Splash

Russell & Bromley/Splash

With her Kira-style skirt in Bhutan the Duchess opted for a lower heel, the Floret from LK Bennett. Our link to the shoe takes you to the UK/international site because the shoe is available there; in the US the shoe is offered in a variety of colors, but the trench (nude) colorway won’t be available in the US until late May or June.

i-I/LK Bennettmages

i-Images/LK Bennett

Please vote for your favorite NEW pair of shoes worn on the tour. [polldaddy poll=9412032]

Kate brought back a go-to wedge for an evening’s Bihu celebration, the Pied a Terre black ‘Imperia,’ now known as the ‘Karley‘ by Dune London. (There *are* distinctions between the much older ‘Imperia’ and the ‘Karley’ & I’ll detail them in a post in the not too distant future.)

Capezio/James Whatling - Splash News

Capezio/James Whatling – Splash News

For a morning safari in Kaziranga National Park the Duchess was in her Sebago ‘Bala’ moccasins in the taupe/white colorway.  They are in stock for $95 at Sebago; Online Shoes has them at essentially the same price, $94.95.



When hiking in Bhutan the Duchess wore her Penelope Chilvers boots.

©Splash/Penelope Chilvers/i-Images

©Splash/Penelope Chilvers/i-Images

Vote for your older pair of shoes worn by the Duchess in India and Bhutan.[polldaddy poll=9412347]


Now to the results for our earring polls, beginning with the new styles.

©2016 What Kate Wore

©2016 What Kate Wore

With a total of 4000+ votes cast the clear favorite was the Kiki McDonough green amethyst & tourmaline drops worn when the Duke and Duchess had lunch with India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi

When it came to the poll for previously worn earrings the voting resulted in much closer results than those seen above.

Kate Tour India Bhutan Old Earrings Poll Results Graphic May 9 2016

Only 45 votes separated the Kiki McDonough Citrine Drops from the Temple of Heaven chandelier style Cassandra Goad earrings, that’s just 1% of your votes.


Also today, a few of the unused tour photos I stumbled across when gathering info for this post and others re-capping Kate’s India and Bhutan style. Below, two images showing Kate’s elaborate updo for that Bollywood fundraiser.

©2016 Crown Copyright

©2016 Crown Copyright

This photo offers an outstanding look at Kate’s earrings by Accessorize, worn to a cricket match the first day of the tour.

Robin Nunn / Nunn Syndication / Polaris

Robin Nunn / Nunn Syndication / Polaris

These shots also offer a great look at Kate’s earrings.

©2016 Crown Copyright/Nunn Syndication, Polaris

©2016 Crown Copyright/Nunn Syndication, Polaris

We will see you later this week with a more comprehensive look at Kate’s wardrobe on the tour.


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Friday 13th of May 2016

A friend bought a dress at Talbot's today because she felt it was an accessible version of the dress worn at the Taj Mahal white linen, blue embroidery but not overdone. See if you agree :


Wednesday 11th of May 2016

I think I'm against everyone, here, but I think that the Duchess' choices for shoes are extremely versatile and I fine them elegant, classy and beautiful. Plus, I think that, going on a State Visit, she just wants to be dressed appropriately and not focus the world's interest on her shoes. Or maybe she just likes nude shoes. Anyways, I also sent an email to the admin to hear from her; for me, I think that she is still looking for a good substitute for the LKBennett Nude Pumps in taupe. I think that after Princess Charlotte's birth, the Duchess has had some issues with buying shoes that are comfortable for her... As for the red shoes from the Canada tour 2011, I think she wasn't really comfortable in them (she hasn't worn them since) ;-)

Hope that I haven't Made mistakes and that no one takes my words as rude ^_^

Thanks Susan for your magnificent work! :D


Thursday 12th of May 2016

I think on the whole I'm inclined to agree with you about Kate's shoe choices and 'elegant, classy and beautiful' sums up those pale Sanderson courts perfectly for me. The choice of nude shoes is part of the considered restraint Kate shows which I can see is frustrating for some but is a quality I am coming to admire more in her as time goes on


Wednesday 11th of May 2016

I am with you on this. Personally, I love the nude shoes. I think they are versatile and elegant. In many cases, yes, I can imagine something more daring or flashy, but I agree that she is trying to be dressed appropriately and comfortably. Am I the only one who literally cannot imagine having to wear heels that often, for that long? My feet hurt just thinking about spending an entire day in them, let alone wearing them virtually every time you leave the house for an engagement. I say if she is wearing a pair of shoes so often we get "sick" of them, they probably aren't killing her feet. I actually miss the sight of the Sledge pump, which I realize definitely puts me in the minority, so I don't mind the resurgence of nude heels.


Wednesday 11th of May 2016

Hello Maddalena, thank you for commenting. Please don't worry about anything being "rude," it wasn't, not at all. :)


Tuesday 10th of May 2016

I dont think Kate owns a single pair of shoes that I fancy. As pointed out by others, she just wears whatever she thinks is OK enough to go with an outfit. Maybe she's not big into shoes. Her shoes are practical, predictable and not attention seeking. Much like her I guess!! I strongly believe shoes are the strongest indicator of your personality! :)


Wednesday 11th of May 2016

Raman I agree about your comments regarding her shoes. And I think shoes say a lot about a person's personality. I love shoes and think they add so much to an outfit. They are so much fun, but you may be right, Kate may not love shoes. If eyes are the windows into a person's soul, then shoes are the window into their personality :)

Although, I have liked a couple of her shoes. Like the pink LK Bennett peep toe heels with ankle bow-those were very different for her. I actually own the Imperia in blue and the Karley in black, but not due to Kate.

Susan,i am looking forward to hearing how the Imperia and Karley differ. I own both and I see some difference, but nothing major. I actually think the Karley is far more comfortable than the Imperia. I think they are an upgrade to the Imperia personally :)


Tuesday 10th of May 2016

Dear Susan, I'm so disappointed the REAL Imperia are not reissued. I did try the Karley last year but had to return them as there were comfort issues, a bad chemical smell and so on... It' s a good replica but if you're fond of Imperia either by Pied à Terre and Dune Black this is nothing like it... I've written many times to Dune about it without much success. Sorry I don't post at all but your articles and FB page are always a joy to me! Many Thanks Kind regards from France Take care, Sophie


Tuesday 10th of May 2016

I have to admit that I'm never all that hung up on shoes, beyond deciding whether a given pair work with a given outfit or whether the heels are of the right height. Proportions and colors are important to me, but otherwise, I've never scrutinized shoes very closely. Polls like this have forced me to pay more attention.

I did think the Rossi sandals worked nicely with the two evening ensembles with which the Duchess wore them. I commented at one point that I don't like ankle-strapped shoes, because I think they're unflattering on most women's legs, but that's not an issue with long dresses. I thought these sandals complemented the long Tory Burch dress worn in Bhutan beautifully, because the slide slits of that dress called out for a dramatic and rather sexy sandal.

I also like the Sebago moccasins, simply because they exude a sort of casual preppy elegance that I appreciate, when worn with slim jeans and khakis. That's a look I've always admired, though long-legged women can carry it off a bit better than others.

One thing I've learned from observing the Duchess's wardrobe over the past several years is that nude or near-nude shoes do NOT go well with everything. She wears them quite a lot, probably on the principle that nudes are neutrals and thus endlessly versatile, but there have been times when they looked entirely wrong to me. One of them was when she wore the Fern pumps with the McQueen separates on this tour, and the other was when she wore nude pumps with the Naeem Khan dress at the Taj Mahal. Both times, her shoes needed to work better with the outfit and to make a bit more of a statement. My reaction to these looks has caused me to consider how often I wear nude pumps myself and to reassess how they look with some of my clothes.


Wednesday 11th of May 2016

She did not wear the wavy Rossi sandals with the floral Tory Burch in Buthan.


Tuesday 10th of May 2016

I have a theory - hypothesis - that many of the Kate's choices are dictated by her desire to compensate for being somewhat long-waisted. This is not a criticism of her figure - I personally am quite jealous of how skinny and tall she looks - but rather a guess that she has insecurities, much like the rest of us. I think at one point she put on a pair of nude shoes and decided they illongated her legs by sort of blending with her skin tone, and the look became one of her favorites, almost a trademark. I believe for the same reason she tends to always wear super high heels and wedges, even with casual dresses and skinny jeans.


Tuesday 10th of May 2016

Kate seems to prefer easy solutions such as a neutral tone in shoes seems to offer. While she favours having items she can keep just to hand and repeat, it's easy to fall into the trap of something that's meant to go with everything and ends up matching nothing.

It seems odd she can't get more variety with style choices given the level of support she could have, but perhaps she's trying to manage with as few staff as poss and keep family life private.

I thought the last tour showed how much better her choices can be when she gives enough thought to outfits in general but wanting to be a hands-on Mum while fulfilling a Royal schedule may not be compatible. Trying to be a switched-on style icon as well could be a call too far, on top of which that doesn't seem to be in her character. But a break from nudes, however beautiful the shoe, would help lift more outfits.


Tuesday 10th of May 2016

I so agree, LIlli. While nude shoes never clash, they often do nothing to enhance an outfit. The navy and white dress worn by Kate at the Taj Mahal, as you point out, didn't work with nude shoes. How much nicer a pair of navy shoes would have looked. We do know that she has many pairs of navy. Sometimes I get the impression that Kate just wants to simplify her choice of outfits...go with what is okay, rather than what is spectacular.

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