Is there anything more delightful for Kate fashion fans than finding an email from the Palace announcing an upcoming appearance? Methinks not. Here is the news:
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will visit UNICEF’s emergency supply centre in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 2nd November to view the effort to distribute emergency food and medical supplies to East Africa, where severe food shortages are affecting more than 13 million people.
UNICEF now estimates at least 320,000 children are in life-threatening situations, in dire need of food and medicine. More than 13,000,000 people in the area are affected by severe food shortages. The growing crisis in East Africa has gradually been gaining traction with the media, the visit will surely help raise awareness and much-needed funds.
William and Kate will also make an official (and private) call on Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary of Denmark. (The Danish Royal Couple actually just left the United States on Monday following a busy visit.)
I think this will be somewhat similar to this summer’s trip to Mission Serve in Los Angeles, they are expected to tour the UNICEF facility and then help pack boxes with emergency supplies. Knowing the couple’s fondness for Africa, this does make the charity an ideal recipient for their efforts. More from the official announcement:
The decision by The Duke and Duchess to visit has come about at short notice following the worsening crisis in East Africa. The date of the visit was chosen taking into account The Duke’s Search and Rescue commitments.
The UNICEF UK news release carries a new photo of the couple, it turns out that is their official photograph, taken at Clarence House by Getty photo ace Chris Jackson.
Here is the photo Mr. Jackson shared with his tweet, Kate is in her navy Amanda Wakeley suit. It is similar to the official photo for the North American tour, that was also taken by Mr. Jackson.
To see the full-length photo, visit the UNICEF UK page. Here is a bit from the UNICEF news release on what has been accomplished thus far in East Africa:
So far, UNICEF has delivered more than 10,000 metric tones of supplies to the region, treated 108,000 severely malnourished children in therapeutic feeding centres, vaccinated 1.2 million children against measles and provided 2.2 million people with access to safe water.
Obviously, we will have comprehensive coverage of the trip. Until then, here is a link for those interested in donating and/or learning more about UNICEF‘s work in East Africa.
I have been pathetically slow a tad tardy in sharing the results from our most recent poll. Back on the 6th of this month (in this post) we looked at the merits, or drawbacks, of Kate being photographed for a Vogue magazine cover. With nearly 2900 votes, here is how things look:
The results surprised me a little, I thought perhaps more might be adamantly opposed no. matter. what. However, if combining votes from the first (no way, no how) and third (only if British Vogue) answers, the interpretation could be that 40% aren’t keen on the idea. Anyone else surprised by the way this one turned out?
Also today, some very quick bullet points linking to articles I think you might enjoy, if you haven’t already seen them, as many are what we use to call “moldy oldies’ when I was in tv, meaning some go all the way back to September.
- The Telegraph did a piece on Kate’s “Fashion Hits and Misses“. There are some interesting determinations made in the photo essay, we tend to agree on one ‘Miss’ (described as “dangerously close to Princess Anne territory”), but disagree on several others. This one goes back to September 29th.
- Several ladies putting together ‘copyKate’ styles have had very good luck at UK retailer Dorothy Perkins, but the company didn’t ship to the United States until very recently. Their new US website is up and running, one heads-up, some WKW FB friends had problems with the discount code being offered.
- NY Bridal Week wrapped up early last week and “Heard on the Runway,” a fab fashion blog from the Wall Street Journal, had an interesting piece: At Bridal Fashion Week, No Discernible ‘Kate Middleton Effect,’ quoting experts who said long-sleeved styles were already returning (we concur, having done a specific post on the phenomenon on our ‘other blog’), as well as designers noting brides don’t want to copy someone else, they want their own look.
- This think tank very much believes in a Kate effect, their story is here, below we show a graphic they use to support their premise
We’ve loads of other tidbits to share, but have to fly in order to take care of all those contest entries, eek! A reminder, the contest for a pair of Kate’s London Sole shoes ends tonight at midnight, we’ll announce the lucky winner tomorrow.
Wednesday 2nd of November 2011
Thanks for this link. I was moved by Catherine's advocacy today, which I saw via your Facebook links, and I made a donation!
Thursday 27th of October 2011
What is up with William's style? I just can't take it anymore.
His suits look baggy, plain, cheep and old fashion...His teeth need whitening, his hair looks like he just got out of bed. He needs to moisturize his face too...he looks 10 years his age.
What does that say about Kate if she let's him be like that while she's on top of the world of fashion? Not normal in my opinion. That tells me she does not take good enought care of him. Who is going to tell him that if not her ?
Monday 31st of October 2011
Many men are not into moisturizing and teeth whitening. They find those sorts of activities effeminate. It is not a wife's responsibility to push her husband into doing these things, nor does pushing him (if she's successful) constitute "taking care of him". Women aren't required to do those things, they are the men's decisions, and if the men don't do them, it doesn't mean that somehow the wives have fallen down on the "job".
William's suits are quite expensive and expensively-tailored, I assure you. And balding hair, alas, has a tendency to look a bit unkempt while it's going through the balding process.
My guess is that the Duchess, knowing her husband extremely well, knows that he's not going to be very responsive to any advice that he should moisturize or get his teeth whitened. He's well known to be stubborn, so any grooming habits he acquires will be up to him, not her.
Thursday 27th of October 2011
God bless them. I love the Danish crown prince and princess Mary so glad they are helping UNICEF. I hope you will post the new photo of Kate in her silver dress when she filled in for HRH Prince Charles.You can read about it here
Thursday 27th of October 2011
Sorry I meant turquoise dress :)
Thursday 27th of October 2011
i think that they're just releasing a photo from the same spring shoot. Wills' outfit is the same, as is hers...
Wednesday 26th of October 2011
Can we talk about the AW suit? I know we saw it in the tour photo, but we never saw the full-length view. I can't decide if I like it or if I think it is too overworked. I like that it is a modern twist on a suit. I love the collar and the button detail, but I don't understand the panel. Can someone explain it to me?
Thursday 27th of October 2011
Lysis, we've seen the suit full-length; she wore it to an engagement before the wedding. The jacket is slightly fitted, and the suit has a simple, straight, pencil-style skirt. As for the panel, it's just an embellishment, a feature to make the jacket more interesting.